Affiliate Terms & Policies

Please read the following Affiliate Terms & Policies carefully before joining Tilli Print affiliate program. By becoming an affiliate, you agree to abide by these terms and policies:

 Application Process:

(a) To become an affiliate, you must submit a complete application through our designated affiliate platform.

(b) We reserve the right to accept or reject any application at our sole discretion.

(c) If your application is accepted, you will receive a unique affiliate ID and access to our affiliate resources.

 Promotion Guidelines:

(a) As an affiliate, you are authorized to promote Tilli Print products using the provided affiliate links, banners, and promotional materials.

(b) You must not engage in any misleading, false, or deceptive advertising practices that may harm our brand reputation.

(c) You are responsible for ensuring that your promotional activities comply with applicable laws and regulations.


(a) Affiliates will earn a commission on referred sales generated through their unique affiliate links.

(b) Commissions will be paid on a per-sale basis, and the applicable commission rates will be outlined in the affiliate agreement.

(c) Commission payouts will be made in the currency specified in the affiliate agreement.

(d) Commissions will not be paid for canceled, refunded, or fraudulent orders.

 Cookie Duration:

(a) The affiliate tracking cookies will remain active for a specified duration, as outlined in the affiliate agreement.

(b) Commissions will only be credited if the customer completes a purchase within the specified cookie duration from the initial click on the affiliate link.

 Prohibited Activities:

(a) Affiliates must not engage in any form of spamming, including unsolicited email marketing, to promote Tilli Print products.

(b) Affiliates must not use their affiliate links for their own purchases.

(c) Affiliates must not engage in any illegal, offensive, or unethical activities that may harm Tilli Print reputation.

 Relationship of Parties:

(a) The affiliate program does not create any employment or agency relationship between the affiliate and Tilli Print.

(b) Affiliates do not have the authority to bind or represent Tilli Print in any way.


(a) Tilli Print reserves the right to terminate the affiliate relationship at any time for any reason.

(b) Affiliates may also terminate their participation in the program by providing written notice to Tilli Print .

(c) Upon termination, all commissions will be paid based on completed and verified sales generated before the termination date.

 Modification of Terms:

Tilli Print reserves the right to modify these Affiliate Terms & Policies at any time. Affiliates will be notified of any changes, and it is their responsibility to review and comply with the updated terms.


By joining Tilli Print affiliate program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Affiliate Terms & Policies. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our affiliate support team at

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